Commercial Electricians Northern Rivers

Power Up Your Business with Salisbury Solar & Electrical

Running a business is challenging enough without the stress of electrical downtime. At Salisbury Solar & Electrical, we ensure you never have to worry about that. Our licensed commercial and industrial electricians can handle everything from electrical fit-outs and lighting installations to powerpoint installations and switchboard upgrades. 

With our reliable commercial electrical services, you can focus on what you do best—running your business—while we handle all the electrical work.


Personalised Industrial & Commercial Electrical Services

Our team understands that every business is different, which is why we offer customised solutions to meet your specific needs. From small businesses to large industrial operations, we have the skills and experience to handle;

USB PowerPoint Installations:
We provide high-quality power outlets and USB charging points for your workspace, ensuring your devices stay charged and ready.
Switchboard Upgrades:
Our switchboard upgrades reduce electrical risks by replacing outdated components with modern technology, minimising the chance of overloads, shorts, and other hazards.
Safety Switch Installations & Testing:
We install safety switches that comply with industry standards to create a safer environment for your employees and assets.
Smoke Detector Installation & Testing:
Our smoke detector installations ensure your workplace meets safety regulations and is well-protected against fire risks.
Commercial Electrical Office Fitouts:
We transform your office space with electrical installations tailored to your business. This means placing powerpoints where you need them, setting up lighting that suits your workspace, and installing systems that improve functionality.
Lighting Installation:
We illuminate your business with energy-efficient indoor and outdoor LED lighting, as well as garden, landscape, and security lighting.

Fully Certified Commercial & Industrial Electricians

When you choose Salisbury Solar & Electrical, you’re choosing a team with:

• A decade of experience in the electrical services industry, equipped to handle any electrical challenge you face.
• A strict adherence to safety protocols to protect your business, employees, and assets.

• A commitment to timely service—you can count on us to be there when you need us.

• A belief in prompt and transparent service throughout, from start to finish.

Ready to keep your business electrified and thriving? 

Connect With Our Commercial Electricians Today
