Commercial Solar Installation Northern Rivers

Tired of High Energy Bills? Take Control with Commercial Solar Systems

Running a business is demanding enough. Don’t let skyrocketing energy costs add to your stress.  Salisbury Solar & Electrical, the leading provider of commercial solar installations in the Northern Rivers, can help. As a trusted local company with a decade of experience, we specialise in designing and installing high-performance solar systems tailored to meet the unique energy needs of your business.

Empowering Your Business with Commercial Solar Solutions

Here’s how Salisbury Solar & Electrical can help your solar for business:

Reduce Operating Costs:
Our commercial solar solutions can significantly lower your electricity bills, freeing up capital for other areas of your business.
Gain Energy Independence:
Reduce your dependence on fluctuating energy prices and ensure a more predictable energy budget.
Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility:
Embracing solar energy aligns with your CSR goals, demonstrating a proactive approach towards environmental conservation and community well-being.
Boost Sustainability:
Make a positive impact on the environment by switching to clean, renewable solar energy.

Ready To Future-Proof Your Business with Clean Energy?

Your One-Stop Shop For Commercial Solar

Salisbury Solar & Electrical is your partner in solar solutions for business, servicing Tweed Heads to Byron Shire. 

We can assist with:

Solar System Relocations:
We take care of relocating or repositioning your solar system hassle-free, so you can focus on your business while enjoying uninterrupted solar power benefits.
Industrial Solar Panel Installation:
We have the expertise to handle large-scale solar projects for industrial facilities.
Commercial Solar Panel Upgrades & Expansions:
Looking to increase your existing system’s capacity? We can seamlessly integrate additional panels or upgrade outdated equipment.
Commercial Solar Panel Repair & Maintenance:
Our commercial solar electricians offer fast and efficient repairs for damaged panels, inverters, wiring, and other system components, minimising downtime for your business.
New Commercial Solar Power System Installation:
We craft and install full new commercial solar power systems from the ground up, leveraging REC panels, Goodwe inverters, Fronius hybrids, Enphase microinverters, and Enphase batteries.
Solar Energy Consultations & Advice:
Our commercial solar consultants and electricians will analyse your energy usage and provide expert recommendations to optimise your system’s performance.
Commercial Solar Panel Installation:
Our experienced technicians design and install high-quality, industry-leading solar panels for businesses of all sizes.

Start Saving Today With Our Solar For Business Solutions

Let Our Commercial Solar Installers Design Your Custom Solution

Whether you own a warehouse, office building, or retail space, our team of SAA-certified commercial solar installers and designers takes care of everything, from design and permits to installation and maintenance. We even offer energy efficiency assessments to help you squeeze every last drop of savings out of your energy use, delivering a fully customised commercial solar solution for your needs.

Don’t Let A Limited Solar System Hold Your Business Back

As your business grows, so can your commitment to clean energy. We understand that a limited solar system shouldn’t constrain your progress. That’s why we offer commercial solar expansion solutions to optimise your existing setup. Whether you need to boost your system’s power output, expand solar coverage to meet increased energy demands or integrate battery storage for greater self-reliance, our team can design a bespoke commercial solar panel upgrade plan that perfectly aligns with your evolving needs.

Take Control of Your Business’s Energy Future!

With today’s rising energy prices, solar power is a smarter investment than ever.  Contact Salisbury Solar & Electrical today to discuss designing and installing a custom commercial solar system for your building. 


Why Choose Us As Your Commercial Solar Installers?

Fully Qualified Team

Our team consists of highly skilled and SAA-accredited commercial solar electricians, installers and designers.

Streamlined Processes

Our efficient paperwork management ensures you receive government rebates quickly and easily.

Comprehensive Warranties

Benefit from our peace-of-mind 10-year workmanship warranty, complemented by reliable inverter and panel warranties.

Transparent & Reliable Service

We prioritise clear communication and timely service throughout the entire project.

Custom-Designed Solutions

We work closely with you to understand your business needs and create a customised solar system that fits your budget.

Seamless Project Management

From initial consultation to post-installation support, we’ll guide you every step of the way.


  • What areas do you serve for commercial solar installation in the Northern Rivers district?
    We provide commercial solar installation services throughout the Northern Rivers district, covering areas from Tweed Heads to Byron Shire.
  • Can you provide industrial solar panel installation services for large-scale projects?
    Yes, we specialise in industrial solar panel installation, catering to large-scale projects for businesses and organisations requiring significant energy solutions.
  • What factors should I consider before upgrading my commercial solar panels?
    Before upgrading your commercial solar panels, consider factors such as your energy needs, available space, budget, and the latest technological advancements in solar energy.
  • What factors determine the cost of commercial solar panel installation?
    The cost of commercial solar panel installation depends on various factors such as the size of the system, the type and quality of panels used, site-specific factors like roof condition and orientation, labour costs, and any additional components or features required for the installation. Call us to receive a customised quote tailored to your specific needs.