Electrical PowerPoint Installation Northern Rivers

Do you find the perpetual challenge of locating accessible power outlets for your devices exhausting? Whether you’re a homeowner or a commercial office owner, having convenient access to power points and USB outlets is essential.

With a team of fully qualified electricians, each boasting over a decade of expertise, Salisbury Solar & Electrical can efficiently install indoor and outdoor power point and USB outlet installations in Northern Rivers. 

Whether you’re moving into a new property or need to install additional power points in an existing one, we’ve got you covered.

Benefits Of Upgrading Your Power Points

Investing in power point installation offers numerous benefits for both residential and commercial properties. 

Here are six reasons why upgrading your outlets is a smart decision:


Power points provide easy access to electricity exactly where you need it, simplifying device and appliance usage without the hassle of searching for outlets or dealing with messy cords.

Future Investment:

Quality PowerPoint installations enhance the appeal and functionality of your property, potentially increasing its value for resale or rental purposes.


Properly installed power points reduce tripping hazards and the risk of electrical accidents, ensuring a safer environment for you, your family, or your employees.

Future Preparedness:

Adding extra power points now ensures readiness for future electrical needs, accommodating changes and expansions in technology or appliance usage without major renovations.

Improved Functionality:

Well-placed power points enhance the versatility of your space, allowing for efficient powering of equipment, lighting, and electronics, making everyday tasks easier.

Aesthetically Pleasing:

Neat and discreet PowerPoint installations contribute to a cleaner, more organised appearance, enhancing the overall look of your home or business.

Ready to power up your home or business?

Choosing The Right USB Power Points

USB power points have become increasingly popular in both commercial and residential settings due to the growing reliance on USB-powered devices such as smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets, making them an essential addition to modern spaces. 

With so many options available, choosing the right one for your property involves:

  • • Assessing your charging needs.
  • • Considering the number of USB ports and their power output.
  • • Ensuring compatibility with your devices.
  • • Looking for safety features like surge protection.
  • • Choosing a design that complements your space.

Struggling to choose? Let our experts assist you and handle the USB power outlet installation process from start to finish.

Salisbury Solar and Electrical

Custom Property Assessments & Seamless Switchboard Upgrades With Outlet Installations

Our primary focus is on providing custom electrical power point installations in the Northern Rivers area, designed specifically to meet your unique requirements. Our process begins with a detailed assessment of your property to determine your power outlet and switchboard upgrade requirements.

Recognising the uniqueness of each property, we customise our approach to ensure that your electrical setup perfectly aligns with your needs, empowering you with greater control over your electrical systems.

After completing the assessment and finalising the plan, our certified technicians proceed with precision to install electrical outlets and switches efficiently and effectively. This ensures reliable power distribution throughout your property.


  • What Are the Benefits of USB PowerPoint Installation?
    USB power point installation offers the convenience of directly charging devices without the need for adapters. This modern solution eliminates clutter and provides efficient charging options for smartphones, tablets, and other USB-enabled devices.
  • What is the Process for Installing Additional PowerPoints?
    Installing additional power points involves a thorough assessment of your property’s electrical needs, followed by the installation of outlets and switches in strategic locations. Our certified technicians ensure efficient and safe installation to meet your requirements.
  • Do You Also Offer Switchboard Upgrades?
    Yes, we provide switchboard upgrades as part of our comprehensive electrical services. Whether you need to replace an outdated switchboard or upgrade to accommodate increased electrical demands, our certified technicians are equipped to handle the job efficiently and safely. 
  • What Factors Determine the Cost of Outdoor PowerPoint Installation?
    The cost of outdoor power point installation depends on various factors, including the number of outlets needed, the complexity of the installation, and any additional features required. Our team conducts a thorough assessment to provide a customised solution that meets your needs while staying within your budget.