Solar Panel Repairs, Maintenance & Cleaning Northern Rivers

Licensed & Insured Solar Panel Repair Professionals

Are you experiencing a drop in energy production, skyrocketing electricity bills, or unexplained power outages? 


Salisbury Solar & Electrical offers solar panel repair and maintenance services in the Northern Rivers area, including panel cleaning and energy efficiency testing. Our electricians work hard to optimise your solar system, helping you produce more clean energy and save on energy costs.

Our Repair & Maintenance Services

We offer a range of services for your solar panels, including cleaning, maintenance, repairs, and testing. Our goal is to ensure that your power is always working smoothly. 

Solar Battery Maintenance:
Protect your investment in solar storage with our battery maintenance services. We ensure the longevity and efficiency of your solar battery through regular cleaning, inspections, and performance testing.
Solar Inverter Repairs:
Don’t let inverter malfunctions disrupt your power supply. Our technicians can identify and repair any solar inverter issues to keep your system running smoothly.
Solar Panel Cleaning:
Dirt, dust, and bird droppings can significantly reduce your panel’s energy production. Our thorough solar panel cleaning services utilise specialised equipment and cleaning solutions to ensure your panels are spotless, maximising their energy output.
Solar System Maintenance:
Regular maintenance is crucial for optimal solar system performance. Our comprehensive solar panel maintenance services include inspections, cleaning of electrical connections, and performance monitoring to identify potential problems early on.
Solar Panel Repair:
Our technicians can diagnose and repair any problem affecting your solar panels, from minor electrical issues to cracked or damaged panels. We use the latest tools and techniques to ensure a swift solar panel repair, minimising downtime and maximising efficiency.
Solar Panels Performance Testing:
Gain valuable insights into your system’s health with our detailed testing assessments. We analyse factors like energy production, power quality, and inverter efficiency to identify and address any issues promptly, preventing further problems.

3 Powerhouse Benefits of Solar Panel Maintenance

Solar panels are money-savers, but keeping them maintained unlocks even greater savings:


Regular cleaning removes grime, potentially increasing energy output by 20% and lowering your electricity bills.


Maintenance catches minor issues early, saving you hundreds on repairs compared to neglecting them.


Proper care extends your solar panel lifespan by 5-10 years, delaying costly replacements and maximising savings.

Residential, Commercial & Industrial Solar System Maintenance

Our solar panel maintenance solutions are tailored to meet the distinct requirements of residential homeowners, businesses of any scale, and large-scale industrial facilities. Drawing upon our decade-long expertise, we possess an in-depth understanding of the unique demands associated with each type of solar system. As a result, we adeptly customise our services to precisely match your needs, whether it’s commercial, industrial, or home solar maintenance.

Quick & Easy Solar Repair in Northern Rivers

Call now to reignite your solar panels.



  • What does solar panel maintenance entail?
    Solar panel maintenance involves regular inspections, cleaning, and repairs to ensure optimal performance and longevity of your solar energy system.
  • What are the benefits of regular solar panel cleaning?
    Regular solar panel cleaning helps to remove dirt, dust, and debris that can accumulate on the panels, thereby maximising energy production and efficiency.
  • Do you provide solar panel cleaning services?
    Yes, we offer professional solar panel cleaning services in Northern Rivers and surrounding areas. Our team uses specialised equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to ensure your panels are spotless and performing optimally.
  • How can I tell if my solar panels need repairs?
    Signs that your solar panels may require repairs include a decrease in energy production, unusual noises, or visible damage such as cracks or corrosion. If you notice any issues, it’s best to contact us for a thorough assessment and repairs.