Solar Usage Monitoring & Consultancy

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Solar Investment?

Many solar panel users miss out on cost savings because they lack the necessary data to understand their energy consumption. With our advanced solar usage monitoring solutions, you can unlock hidden potential in your solar system, optimise energy consumption, and slash your electricity bills – all while reducing your carbon footprint!  

Schedule a free solar consultation today!

Our Solar Consultancy Services

Our customised solar consultations in the Northern Rivers cater to homes, commercial properties, and strata properties. 

We assist you with every aspect of maximising your solar potential, including:

Expert solar energy advice:
We navigate permitting, financing options, and government incentives to ensure a smooth and cost-effective solar journey.
Seamless installation:
We handle the entire process, from selecting the right solar system for you to installation and aftercare support.
Tailored Solar System Design:
We also guide you through system design and engineering, considering your specific needs and roof characteristics.
In-depth consultations:
We analyse your current energy usage, conduct a thorough site assessment to evaluate sun exposure and roof suitability, and determine if solar is the right fit for your home, business, or strata property. Then recommend the most efficient system size to meet your specific needs.
Ongoing support:
We offer a 10-year workmanship guarantee, provide ongoing solar energy monitoring and maintenance services, and perform a dedicated performance analysis after installation to ensure optimal system operation.

Industry-Leading Solar Usage Monitoring Solutions

Maximise your solar savings with Salisbury Solar & Electrical’s advanced solar consumption monitoring:

Real-time insights

Track your energy consumption throughout the day, identifying peak usage times and opportunities for optimisation.

Performance monitoring

Ensure your solar panels are generating electricity at their full potential.

Informed decision-making

Plan for future energy needs and make informed choices around battery storage or system upgrades.

Data-driven savings

Use insights to adjust your energy habits and maximise solar power utilisation, reducing your reliance on the grid.

Data-Driven Solar Solutions

Our residential and commercial solar consultants assess your current electricity usage to determine the best approach. We will either analyse your utility bills or recommend installing a solar consumption monitoring device. This allows us to create a personalised proposal that outlines the projected cost of the solar energy system installation and helps you achieve real results on your bills.


Your Local Solar Consultant Company

A Decade Of Experience

We have over 10 years of experience providing solar consumption monitoring services for homeowners and businesses in the Northern Rivers area.

Effortless Solar Experience

We handle the entire STC process, ensuring a seamless solar installation journey from start to finish.

Bespoke Solar Recommendation

We provide personalised solar energy advice tailored to meet your energy goals, lifestyle and budget.

Fully Qualified Solar Team

Our team is Solar Accreditation Australia (SAA) certified, ensuring excellence in solar installations and designs.

Don’t Miss Out on Solar Savings

Book Your Solar Consultation in Northern Rivers Today!


  • What is solar consumption monitoring?
    A: Solar consumption monitoring involves tracking and analysing your energy usage patterns, particularly focusing on the electricity generated by your solar panels and how it’s utilised within your home or business.
  • How can your solar consultant help me?
    Our residential and commercial solar consultants provide expert guidance on all aspects of solar energy, including system design, installation, maintenance, and optimisation. They can assess your energy needs, recommend the right solar solution, and help you maximise your ROI.
  • What is a solar energy monitor?
    A solar energy monitor is a device that tracks and displays real-time data on solar energy production, household energy consumption, and energy flow. It helps users understand their energy usage patterns, optimise solar system performance, and maximise savings.
  • How does a home energy monitor solar system work?
    A home energy monitor solar system integrates with your existing solar panels and electrical system to provide detailed insights into energy production and consumption. It typically consists of sensors, meters, and a monitoring platform that displays data in real-time.
  • How can advanced energy solar monitoring benefit me?
    Advanced energy solar monitoring provides deeper insights into energy production, consumption patterns, and system performance. It helps you identify opportunities for efficiency improvements, troubleshoot issues proactively, and maximise the return on your solar investment.